Agroecological perspectives in taro production; a focus towards sustainability in the state of Chiapas

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David Camilo Enriquez Perez
Silvia Padilla Loredo
Gilber Vela Gutiérrez


The malanga, also known as taro or quiscamote in the Americas and the Caribbean, is a plant species with ornamental and culinary applications that thrives in warm climates. The objective of this research is to recognize experiences and narratives with an agroecological focus in a case study involving farmers dedicated to the cultivation of malanga in the municipalities of San Fernando, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, and Tapachula, located in the state of Chiapas. A qualitative methodology was employed, which included direct observation and semi-structured dialogues. The results obtained provided a characterization of the social actors involved in the process and the various stages of the malanga's production cycle. Furthermore, the practices originating from the wisdom and knowledge of farmers, focused on preserving agroecosystems from a critical pedagogy perspective, are highlighted. Alternative approaches for sustainable production, including some contributions related to innovation and renewable energy, are also presented. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the significance of malanga as a promising crop, as well as the revival of rural wisdom oriented towards sustainability and the development of rural communities.


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