An alternative for PEACE, rainwater harvesting, from the Technological Baccalaureate, Ignacio López Rayón, MEXICO.

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Ricardo Donato Vázquez Melgar


This article exposes how the development of a rainwater harvesting system in the Technological Baccalaureate Center (CBT), Ignacio López Rayón, has reduced dependence on conventional drinking water sources, being a sustainable option to supply to the school population, making possible two of the fundamental rights for the school population: to water and to education. The CBT presented a critical situation that is caused by the lack of sufficient water resources to meet the needs of the school community, causing a climate of discomfort and conflicts, however, the most serious was the limitation of school enrollment, affecting school development. the youth of the region. A solution to this problem was the installation of the rainwater harvesting system, a study was carried out to determine the volume to be recovered by measuring suitable surfaces for collection and an annual water demand of 928 m3 was estimated for the toilets, which will allow expanding school enrollment. The project that seeks to satisfy the right of the school community to water resources by significantly reducing the types of violence generated by its shortage and expanding school enrollment to be an option for upper secondary education for young people. The realization of the rainwater harvesting project allowed the participation of the school community in the construction of a system that improves well-being conditions, having sufficient water resources based on the initiative and joint work that grants the learning of a culture participatory for the benefit of the community.


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