The BIM methodology, as an instrument in cultural management in the territories, in search of cohesion and heritage fabric.

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Diego Quintana Tovar
Florinda Sánchez Moreno
Ana Dorys Ramírez López


The objective is to identify criteria and strategies for economic and environmental
sustainability contained in guides, manuals and regulations for Assets of Cultural Interest—
BIC, to then formulate the implementation of the Building Information Modeling—BIM
methodology in the BIC documentation, diagnosis and intervention stages. . and detect from
the Colombian Ministry of Culture how the guidelines are given for the rest of the territorial
entities and how it impacts the population in relation to cultural heritage and how this can be
an instrument of social fabric through the dynamics of cultural heritage and its importance
for the direct and indirect population. This article also highlights information collected from

cultural heritage professionals and based on this, some important conclusions were drawn
based on perception, and within the framework of the global trend of implementing
standardized information modeling such as BIM, the procedure is analyzed. approval of the
documentation for the BIC intervention by the Colombian Ministry of Culture. Since this
article is part of a broader investigation, one of the important aspects is to propose a way for
improvement potentially applicable to the procedure developed by the Ministry of Culture.


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